Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The History of Pancakes

     Pancakes were first invented by Ancient Greeks. Ever since the 700's, pancakes have been in important part of a Greek breakfast. Pancakes are called taginites in Greece. 
     Pancakes are traditionally eaten on Shrove Tuesday which is the day before Ash Wednesday, or the start day of lent. This day is called "Pancake Day" in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. It is known as "Pancake Tuesday" also in Ireland and in Scotland. In the US its known as Mardi Gras. It is even known as "Fatty Tuesday" because it is the day before the fast of lent and people traditionally loaded up on pancakes. 
Do you or anyone you know celebrate Shrove Tuesday?


  1. Hey Sofia! This blog post very interesting and I have learned so much! I never knew that pancakes were derived from Greece. I love pancakes and it is my favorite breakfast meal of all time. Learning about them makes me feel so hungry! I also never knew that the day before lent is called “fatty Tuesday.” I find that very interesting. To answer your question, I do not know anyone who celebrates Shrove Tuesday but I would love to know more about from someone that does. I would love to celebrate this day for the delicious array of pancakes I would get

    1. Thanks Monica! I really appreciate your comment on my blog! It was so nice of you to take time and do that. I really hope you and other enjoy my blog for I worked so very hard on it! Stay tuned for more posts about pancakes!
