Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pancake FAQ's

Interesting/Funny Facts About This Food

-Pancakes are often made on a griddle because it is a tradition that has been around for a long time.

-They are often eaten on Easter in Europe.

-A man once ran a marathon while tossing a pancake for 3 hours.

-"Pancake Sandwiches" are becoming more and more popular. The are like traditional breakfast sandwiches but with pancakes on as ends (as seen on right).

-Before baking soda was invented, bakers would often use freshly fallen snow and the pancakes came out very soft.

-First pancake recipe was listen in an old 15th
century English cookbook.

-William Shakespeare often mentioned pancakes in his play.

-The pancake flipping world record is 349 flips in 2 minutes.

-In France it is tradition to touch the handle of the prying pan and make a wish while the pancake is turned and to hold a coin in the other hand.

-The largest pancake made was 15 meters in diameter and weighted 3 tons (seen below).

Feel free to add any facts you know about pancakes in the comments section below!


  1. Hey Sofia! Your blog was really fun to read, and I enjoyed learning so many new facts from this post. It must have taken a lot of research to find out so many funny records and facts. I think that your photos were really interesting and they added to the visual aspect of the post, and also helped explain both points that they were used in. What plays did Shakespeare mention pancakes in? I didn’t notice any mention of pancakes in Romeo and Juliet. I loved your blog because it made me sooo hungry and I liked the theme of the background with the pink stripes. Good jobbb

  2. Hey Sofia! Your blog is so unique, and I love your variety of posts. You have so many cool, informative facts, and they flow very nicely with the rest of your blog. Your voki is really fun to watch, and I definitely will try your pancake recipes. The layout of your blog is easy to navigate, and fun to explore. Pancakes are one of my favorite foods, I had no idea about all of the different types of pancakes around the world . I love banana pancakes and strawberries, that is definitely my favorite breakfast to eat on vacations/ days off! Your fun facts were so interesting, and I am loving your blog! From, Deanna
